"I'm Batman"
It's hard to believe that the first modern day Batman movie starring Michael Keaton made it's big screen debut way back in 1989; that's 26 years ago! Since then, there's been six more installations in a franchise that has become a cult classic. The distinctive bat symbol can be seen on everything from action figures, to lunch pales. Some of the most fervent fans of the brand have tattoos permanently etched on a prominent area of their bodies.
My dad's nurse Noldy, shared with me that his son Carter is a huge Batman fan. During a recent trip to Shoreline Village in San Diego's Harbor, Carter got a temporary bat symbol painting on his face. As a favor to Noldy, I memorialized Carter's image on a small quilt in ink and thread. While creating this piece, I recalled Michael Keaton in that first movie forcefully proclaiming to one of his foes as he was taking them out "I'm Batman". I decided to adopt that saying for the quilt's name. Check it out!