SAQA Auction - Whose child is this?

It's been almost two months since being asked to be one of two regional reps for Studio Arts Quilt Associates (SAQA) here in Southern California and Southern Nevada.  It's certainly an honor to be in the position, however the transition has been a bit of a  whirlwind. Much going on including getting our booth ready for the Long Beach IQF quilt show. In this short time as a SAQA Rep, I've met some great people as a result of the new role.  As the rep my goal is to see how I can effectively represent regional SAQA members by listening to their ideas and needs regarding perhaps learning and sharing techniques, possible exhibit or gallery opportunities for our region, etc. All this equates to more activity to add to my already crazy schedule.

Hey check out my SAQA auction piece that will be exhibited at the Long Beach show at the end of July.  It's called "Whose child is this?"  It's my ink and thread painted rendition of a little afghani girl whose stiff stare perhaps indicates apprehension of the photographer.  I can only imagine that she, as well as other children in countries at war are often confused and scared. They just want the violence to all end so they can go about their business of just being kids at play.  My hope is to feature more children from around the world in future quilt art.  Until next time, living creatively,  Sandra


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