Antony and Cleopatra DisCovered (AC-DC)
Yesterday was a beautiful day here in Southern California. When it's nice out, it always makes for a great ride in my little Honda. Such was the case as I had to travel a little ways to a meeting of one of my local fiber art groups. This time the meeting was to Quilts on the Wall; a regional group of mulit-talented fiber artists who reside from ways south in San Diego to as far north up the coast to Santa Barbara. With each group that I belong to, I truly enjoy networking with liked minded Fiber Artist; getting inspiration from their works and sharing ideas. I love it! At this QOTW meeting, we got a chance to preview the group's "Journey" quilt entries that will be featured at IQF Long Beach. There were some spectacular entries unvaled. We also learned that our "Archaeology" themed travelling quilt challenge will be first exhited at the Denver National Quilt Festival from April 29th and running through May, 2, 2010. Inserted is my entry for that show "Antony and Cleopatra DisCovered (AC-DC). This quilt celebrates the possible April 2009 archeaology discovery of the infamous couple within the confine of a deep shaft in a temple near the mediterreanean sea in Egypt. This art piece features my usually ink painted scene. Materials used this time were cording for Cleo's hair, various threads and buttons for Mark Antony's cape and a little glitter on Cleo's draped cape. A glass snake embellishment was sown right smack in the middle of the piece near the ill fated Queen's heart. Last but certainly not least, various decorative papers and papyrus bark slithers were used on the background of the quilt. This was a exceptionally fun project. Living Creatively, Sandra