Quilt shop to re-open in Lake Forrest

One Friday evening several months ago, I was so jazzed that I had finished my daytime gig's work and was in the vicinity of one of my favorite quilt shops; Material Possession in Lake Forrest, California. Oh joy!  I was going to drop in and see what's new.  Well, when I arrived, I was shock to see that MP had closed their business.  Oh NO! In this struggling economy, unfortunately many businesses including our beloved quilt shops have been forced to close and Material Possesions was the latest casualty.  I was so bummed out.  As I was leaving, another car drove up and took a look.  I went over to tell the lady that the shop was closed.  She introduced herself as Charmaine, a local resident who already knew the shop was closed, but was just checking to see if it had re-openned.  She knew of news that the shop was to possibly re-open with a former staff person's management.  To make this long story short; cuz I'm even boring myself :), we exchanged information with the promise of updates on the shop's status.  Great news!  I got an email from Charmaine saying that Material Possessions will in fact re-open November 7th, under the new name "Sacred Moondance Creative Sewing Center".  I'm now doing my happy dance again under the sacred moon!  Until next time, Living Artfully, Sandra   


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