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Pas de Deux
One of my favorite magazines is "Nature's Best Photography". This magazine features wonderful still photography mostly of spectacular outdoor scenes that are captured in split seconds. The Spring 2007 issue had a spread on a backyard photo contest called "Small World Wonders". One of the photographers featured was Mike Maples of Tullahoma, Tenessee who submitted a beautiful shot of two rare Cecropia Moths mating spotted in his backyard. Well, I love this unique photo and how it features details of each moth. Equally impressive is the greenery of the leaves combined with the brown limbs where the moths perch while mating, spectacular! "Pas de Deux" is my interpretation of this photo. The french name literally means a "dance for two". When I look at this photo, it certainly says to me that the two moths are dancing. In my interpretation of the piece, I've painted the scene as photographed and then thread painted the moths with exaggerated colors, including gold glitter on the wings. The wings will then be embellishments with various colored beads. I'm still working on the piece for local exhibit. I hope to have it quilted and finished this weekend. Isn't it romantic? Living Creatively, Sandra