Real Big Cats

Its' New Year's day, welcome 2009! 2008 was a year that many want to forget; to totally purge from their memories due to the many troubles our country and the world endured; weak economy; devaluation of the dollar, etc. I basically feel the same way as others; longing for a time that felt more comfortable. Yes, 2008 was tough; except fir that fact it was a monumental year for me in which I turned 50 years of age; and finally made my pilgrimage to Africa. I loved, loved, loved Africa in particular Capetown, South Africa which was quite sunny because it's their spring season during November. Capetown also sports beautiful scenery in the city and along the Atlantic and Indian coasts. I plan to visit there again some day soon. Safari was exciting. Seeing animals in their natural habitat is something to behold. Because these animals live freely many years on the Mala Mala's private game reserve, they've become used humans creeping around as anxious voyeurs. From our eight passenger Jeep Landrover, we'd crane our necks and focus our cameras or camcorders to get the perfect shot. I'll brag a little and admit that I took some great photos. Here's my watercolor version of a couple of the big cats seen in the bush: The King of the Jungle, the male lion and just below the leopard at night. Other members of the big "5" to follow shortly. Living Creatively, Santeena


lenasdaughter said…
Sandi, you are so talented! Your cats are gorgeous! I am very happy to see 2008 go - but as with most things, it was a bittersweet year. The highlight, of course, was the election of our amazing new president, Barack Obama. The meltdown of my 401k, which is now a 201k, was especially disappointing, as it means I will probably have to work longer than I planned.

Happy New Year and continued creativity in 2009!
Anonymous said…
Santeena I subscribe to Kyra's Black Threads blog and saw your comment about the transition of your friend the photographer and then I clicked on your blog and your work is absoultely wonderful! Can you please e-mail at Thanks
Anonymous said…
Santeena your work is WONDERFUL. I stumbled on your blog after reading Kyra's Black Threads Blog. Can you e-mail please my address is Thanks

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