Asian Beauty

My mind is swirling with many ideas about the Obama Inauguration quilt. I haven't settled on a final look. I was recently at a meeting with my local Textures Fiber Arts group. One of the talented members displayed a beautiful sunflower quilt she made with calligraphy writing. It was stunning and quite classy. From that quilt, I got the idea to have the Obama quilt's name displayed in calligraphy on the quilt, "Every body's all American". With just over one week before it's debut at a inauguration party, the quilt is no where near being finished. It's interesting that I'm not the least bit stress about making my deadline. I guess this means that I'm trusting my intuition more, which is a good thing! I'm also working on another quilted Fantasy Portrait, this one of a Geisha Girl. This is another ink painted face with thread painting. I also stuffed the cheeks for highlight and added a three-dimensional hair bun complete with chop sticks for fun! This Asian Beauty doesn't have a formal name yet; it's not complete, but I'm pleased with the results do far. Take a look see!
Living Creatively, Santeena


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